dimanche 2 décembre 2012

OpenVPN and SSH tunnel

Big Brother doesn't like my OpenVPN server, time to try something else. How about SSH tunneling!
In the following example I'll use local port 1234, but it could be any. 

Btw what's "SSH tunneling"? Check this: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html, or that (nice graphs): http://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_putty.html

The web page below indicate how to run OpenVPN over SSH tunnel:

First I need to install SQUID on my server: 
apt-get install squid
--> seems Squid is up and running right after that, listening on port 3128.
_ add /etc/squid a line "http_access allow all" ... (insecure but...)
_ keep playing around with "http_access" in squid config (haven't found the optimal config yet)

Create the SSH tunnelling on Windows side:
_ Run Putty
_ Go to Connection / Data / Tunnels
_ Check "Local port accept connections from other host" (!!! not sure that is needed ???)
_ Add new port: 1234, host "yourvpnserver_address:3128"

[EDIT Feb. 2nd 2013 : I don't use OpenVPN at all anymore. I've just setup proxy in my Firefox ]
And finally tweak the OpenVPN config as indicated on niteoweb.com. With a little difference: SQUID being an HTTP proxy, not a SOCKS proxy. I'm lazy for the time being:
_ in server.conf:
   proto tcp
_ in client.conf:

   proto tcp
   http-proxy 1234
   route <some_IP_on_the_net> net_gateway
_ Add a new IPTABLE rule on server side:

   iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
or: iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 1195 -j ACCEPT 
(the latest is because I've kept the old server on 1194. Note: I first made a mistake and set 1194 for the new IPTABLES rule, and the new server on 1195 still worked! So not sure how useful it is in my setup).